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Archive for the ‘recipies’ Category

Thanksgiving Salad Recipes


As I began to plan my Thankgiving Dinner this year, I decided to change things up a bit. As traditional as I am (there are some traditional dishes I will never give up), I love trying new recipes and introducing family and friends to wonderful new taste treats. Here are the recipes for a cranberry salad and an apple salad, either of which will go very nicely with your holiday meal.    

Simply click on the link for each recipe.

Scroll down the page for some additional “Food Facts” and “Timely Tips.”

Cranberry Salad

Apple Salad    







 Food Facts

Cranberries have anti-bacterial properties that positively affect urinary tract health as well as strong antioxidant properties.

Apples have a favorable effect on digestion, are amazing for controlling blood sugar and are a good source of soluble fiber.

Timely Tips







Use your potato peeler to remove the strings on celery and tone down it’s bitter taste.

Kitchen scissors, slightly dusted with powdered sugar, are perfect for cutting dates.

My Family’s Favorite Dessert

                                                 Chocolate Pudding Cake

The first recipe I want to share on my new site is one that simply cannot miss. It’s my family’s all-time favorite and one I guarantee will bring you rave reviews.  It’s easy to make, but quite delicious. Simply click below and a Pdf file will appear which you can easily download.

          Pudding Cake

I will be updating this site frequently and next week will begin to share my favorite holiday recipes with you. Please feel free to give me your feedback and share your favorite recipes in the reply section.  In order to make this a wonderful forum for delicious recipes and cooking tips, I would consider it a great favor if you would save my site in your “favorites” and forward it to all of your friends who might be interested in getting this information. Thanks.

XOXO, Trisha