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Archive for the ‘Trisha Parker’ Category

Three Course Dinner for Special Guests

Trisha's D

Hello Everyone!

I’ve got something very special for you.  If you are looking for an entire dinner that will dazzle your dinner guests, look no further.

To begin, a delicious and healthy salad your guests will love. Next, one of the best chicken dishes I’ve ever prepared.

Better yet, you place the chicken on top of a tasty potato dish. Both are then covered with a wonderful white wine sauce.

Your guests will love this dinner.

 Just click on the link for the full recipe.

Kale Broccoli Salad

 Kale Broccoli Salad

Prosciutto Chicken & White Wine Sauce

Prosciutto Chicken & White Wine Sauce

Layered Scallop Potatoes

Layered Scallop Potatoes

Next time I’ll give you a couple of great dessert options to go with this dinner.


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Trisha’s Summer Salads

Trisha's D

Summer Salads

With Summer in full swing, here are two delicious summer salads I’m sure you will enjoy. In keeping with my “Meals for Two” concept, make sure you double the recipe if you are serving more than two or three people.

Clink on the links for the recipes.

Corn Salad with Feta & Walnuts

Corn Salad with Feta & Walnuts

Tuna Summer Salad with Pasta

Tuna Summer Salad with Pasta


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Healthy Mediterranean

Here are two delicious and healthy Mediterranean recipes. They are part of my “Meals For Two” concept and I know you will enjoy them. Just click on the title links for the recipes.

Pesto Shrimp Pasta


Spicy Chicken & Mushroom Saute


Have fun and bon appetit.



Two-Person Meals

Two-Person Meals

Hi Everybody,

I realize I haven’t posted in a long time, but there’s been a lot going on in my life. The good news is we have two new beautiful grandsons. Everyone’s doing fine and I couldn’t be happier or love them any more.

O. K., with that said, John and I are now empty nesters for the first time in almost 40 years. It has brought about some grocery shopping and cooking changes for me, so I’ve decided to focus on two-person meals.

Simply click on the links below for the complete recipes:

Mediterranean Sweet and Sour Chicken

Quick Seafood Paella

Fresh Tomato Marinara Sauce

If you haven’t read about the recently discovered health benefits of tomatoes, see John’s blog on www.TheBestofOurLives.com . It turns out, in order to get all the antioxidants from the tomatoes, you must first cook them. Here is a simple recipe for a great fresh Marinara Sauce. Simply click here for the recipe.

Fresh Tomato Marinara Sauce

Barbecue Shrimp and Spicy Sole

Going back in time, both my husband John and I began to eat fewer meat dishes. Given that both set of parents had mid-western roots, this was quite a departure from the meals we were used to eating. We had not sworn off red meat, it just turns out we both like chicken and fish more than we do beef.

In this blog I’m sharing two of my current favorite fish recipes. The first is a dish I’ve been making for a few years. It’s “Barbecue Shrimp” that is extra spicy and a real taste treat. I love food that wakes up the senses.

The second dish, “Spicy Sole,” is one I just made recently and was a big hit with everyone. As the name implies, it is spicy and delicious. I think you and your family and guests will love it.

Just click on the links for the complete recipes.

 Barbecue Shrimp

                                   Spicy Sole

About Trisha Parker:





Trisha is the mother of three sons and has five grandchildren. She began as a finalist in the Miss Teen USA competition, worked as a model in television and print, became a New York based flight attendant, and then launched her long and successful career as a corporate executive. Recently retired, she has co-authored a book with her husband, The Best of Our Lives: Sharing the Secrets of a Healthy and Happy Retired Life, and lives every day to its fullest. She has been featured on both radio and television programs and is a frequent guest speaker. In addition to working for her favorite charities, Trisha is an accomplished chef, seamstress, fitness enthusiast, bargain hunter and travel adventurer. 

For a copy of her book, go to www.TheBestofOurLives.com